International Women’s Day 2022. Are women driving diversity, equity, and inclusion in organisations?

Driving DEI:

There have been significant efforts to focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as well as wellbeing, because of the violence, aggression and racism seen across the world. Organisations are working rapidly and closely with individuals to promote changes, and as we see these changes emerging, we are starting to see more woman leading change. 

According to McKinsey and Company (2021) women leaders have been taking on the extra work that comes with modifying cultural and systemic changes. We have seen more women taking action to support their teams, from helping employees manage their workloads to their checking overall wellbeing. Senior-level women are twice as likely as men at the same level, to spend more time on the DEI work that falls outsider their normal job scope. When it comes to women leaders from underrepresented identities, we know that they are twice as likely as to focus on this than women overall.

Women are driving and promoting Diversity Equity and Inclusion within organisations. They are willing to take the extra mile when recruiting under-represented groups, work on their allyship, educate themselves on topics such as discrimination and 38% of them are also willing to mentor other women. 

The effect this can have on colleagues and company outcomes:

When colleagues have strong allies, they are:

  • 40% less likely to experience burnout.
  • 53% less likely to consider leaving their organisation.
  • 65% more likely to be happy at work.
  • 86% more likely to recommend their company as a great place to work (McKinsey and Company, 2021).

So, what can we do help and protect women leaders and to keep DEI work happening?

  1. Do your homework; take time to learn which inequities and difficulties within your organisation might hinder the development of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  2. Understand your own privilege and use your privilege to amplify the voices of underrepresented groups (women of colour, LGBTQA+ community, disabilities, between others).
  3. Recognise and praise the fantastic individuals who are already working hard to drive organisational and cultural changes within your organisation in an effort to embed diversity equity and inclusion.

#wd2022 #breakthebias

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